
Tad and his Milty Blanket

I am really, really, REALLY behind on videos. I keep forgetting that some of you follow only the blog and not his Facebook. Sorry about that!

Here's video from the day he got his Milty Blanket! If you want to read more about Milty Blankets, check out their Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Milty-Blanket-and-Maike-Fan-Club/352482355356 They were so kind to handmake him a blanket and donate it to him!

Here's the lovely video; it's a little longer than usual.


  1. Awww.... I love the kisses that Tad gives you. Tad must have thought that the milty blanket was his cape! You are a super-hero Tad! Good work Tiffany, he looks awesome!

  2. Oh dear pup! You use your little hurtpaw as a scratching tool! Talk about a good spirited champion, you turn negative into positive thinking! You're a guru :)

  3. Is that little Pepper with him? Dear soul. Tad and the kitty are pretty cute together. He loves his new blanky!

  4. I could watch a million times!

  5. That was Wonderful and Sweet pepper there too :) hugs to you all .

  6. It is wonderful to see sweet Tad so happy and looking good. He has come so far.Great job.

  7. Tad! how nice of you to share your blankey with the kitty!

  8. Sweet video. Tad is so lucky to have you!
