
He's Going to Make It

I am so happy with how well he's improving. The pinkness and irritation is really starting finally go away. He's still itchy, but he definitely is TONS better.

He's moving around more, getting up to eat his food, getting up to drink his water...he's not staying in his bed as much as he was.

Boy, if we take his bed out to wash it (we try to do this every other day) he gets upset! He's such a goof! That's HIS bed and he knows it!

One of his visitors today asked if Dr. Holliday thought he was going to make it. She told him that she didn't see why not. He is improving at such a fast pace.

I have two videos for today, but I've only gotten around to getting one uploaded so far. Here's the first one. Enjoy!

On the Up and Up!

Quick update for this morning:

We've opened the door to his run in isolation, and put a puppy gate in the doorway of isolation, so he has a bit more space to move around.

He's having a fun time, wagging his tail TONS today. Some friends who heard about him on Facebook stopped by to see us and him and he really, really liked that. He's such a darn good boy.

He likes the extra space, walking around...getting in the trash can...you know, daily dog activities. He tried to leap over the puppy gate! ...good heaven's boy! Took him outside...he had to 'go'. ...poor guy was trying to get out to go potty!

...he's eaten 2.5 bowls of food today, as well as some Cheese-Whiz and a chewie.

His skin is looking awesome today. We started him on his Demodex treatment today, so hopefully he'll really start to improve.

A couple of people have stopped by today to meet him and one of them donated money while she was here. There truly are some super nice people out there; so many willing to help.

'Like' Me on Facebook

It was requested/suggested/ordered/implied, or whatever other word you could put in there, that I allow Tad to get on the computer and create himself a Facebook Fan Page.

Ask and you shall recieve. Within limits, of course.


Tad - Totally Awesome Dog

I received an email today from the producer at KHOU Channel 11 News. She said that someone sent her the link to this blog, and she wants to do a story on it. She said that she was hoping to do it by the weekend. I have no idea who sent that in, but...wow. I am still sitting here smiling...jumping up and down...and in disbelief.

I was also told by a friend that she sent the story to The Ellen Degeneres show...and another friend is trying to get Cheez-Whiz to donate some cheese to the poor boy. You guys are simply amazing...simply amazing.

I never asked for any of this, and to have you guys stepping out and doing these things for Tad and I...I am just so thankful. There aren't any words for how I am feeling right now...there really aren't.

...this is all just so...unbelievable. I never asked for any of this...never once did I think that Tad's story would be known worldwide. I never thought it would turn into this...something so amazing and inspiring.

Charles and I talked about names, Dr. Holliday and I talked about names...the receptionist and I...all day we struggled to find something. So, we're sticking with Tad. I know, I know...some of you hate it. But, it's just...'him'. We all decided that we liked it, and it really fit his personality. It just fits him...it's just like...he's Tad. He IS a Totally Awesome Dog.

So, to the real update...

His wounds and skin are looking amazing! Tomorrow, we're able to start his Demodex Treatment, and so hopefully that will do wonders for him, too. He had another weigh-in today, and he's lost a pound. I will blame that on the amount of...erm, poops he's left outside. He is finally eliminating normally, so that's great!

Just looking at his pictures from Saturday until now...I am amazed and the difference already! He is such a strong, strong boy...a real fighter.

There is no reason not to watch this video...it is totally and 100% happy. It is amazing...truly amazing how far he's come in such a short time.


Steady Improvements

I have nothing but good news this update, and to top that off, I've two great videos of him today. I understand if you could not watch any of the other videos; these two videos will make you smile deep down...all the way to your soul.

He has gained two pounds since yesterday's weigh-in. His energy level was definitely higher today as well. He was more alert, did not sleep as much, etc. He and I took a long walk around lunch time. He really, really liked that. (See Video 1)

Because he'd gained two pounds, the boy deserved a treat. So, he got a chewie...he really, really liked that. Especially when I added Cheez-Whiz later. (See Video 2)

His legs were less swollen and red today. It was amazing the difference. His skin still bleeds easily, especially when I do hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy is basically running water over the wounds and skin to promote healing/regrowth and blood flow.

If you watched Video 2, you'll see that at one point he got up from his bed...walked across his run, and ate his food and drank water. Wow. I was so proud of him, as was Dr. Holliday.

Many of you know Ilene, she even made an appearance, of course. She's a real ham. But, I give her respect...she wanted to congratulate Tad on his weight gain. Nice girl.

I washed all of Tad's things today as well. His bed and blanket. He sure was thankful to get them back to sleep on...and they were so clean and fresh! He really liked that.

I am getting more optimistic each and every day...he is improving so quickly, so nicely. I am soooo proud of him.

He is such a fighter. A real role model.

Worldwide Support *Updated Again*

You've probably heard me say this before...but, the support Tad (his temporary/maybe permanent name)and I are recieving since I posted his picture on Facebook Saturday evening is overwhelming.

He is known and loved worldwide.

Englad, Ireland, various areas of the UK, Scotland, all over the United States of America, all over Canada, the list goes on...

People everywhere are hearing his story, and he is touching their hearts...I never asked for any of this. I didn't ask for this kind of fame, but wow...it leaves me speechless. It restores my faith in humanity, and it shows me...and reminds me that the world is not full of cruel people like the evening news would make you believe. Yes, there are some...someone did this to this poor dog, and they will get their's in the end. But, just all this support...I truly, really truly, honestly cannot express how thankful I am for all of you who have donated, who have called just to check on him, who have sent emails, who have followed his blog, who have prayed, who have thanked me, who have cared, who have forwarded this blog to their friends, who shares his pictures on Facebook...you are amazing people. I wish that I had a way to thank you you all personally...to give you a big hug and happy tears...we're going to fix this boy together, and he's going to go on and do great, great things because of us.

Here are just a few links of places that Tad's been spotted or shared...please, if you know of any place not listed...I'd love to know about it and post it here for the world to see.





More links were sent to me! Thank you! I've also been told his story has made it to Twitter!




I had some anxiety when I got home last night. I knew that he would be more comfortable and warm staying at the clinic, but...not being able to check on him. The anxiety of not knowing what I would find when I came in this morning...it really bothered me.

As soon as I got here, I went into Isolation and he looked up at me. I said, 'Good morning, buddy.' and he wagged the tip of his tail. That's my boy...

Since starting the antibiotics and giving a higher dose of anti-inflammatories/pain medication...he is more alert, moving a little faster, and his skin looks better. Even his wounds look better! I am sooo happy about that. We also started him on some eye ointment. His dehydration and malnourishment are so severe that he is not producing any tears and his eyes are drying up. He'll get the eye ointment three times a day until he is hydrated enough to lubricate his own eyes.

To all of you who have donated, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Both he and I are very grateful for your kindess and appreciate your efforts to help us help him. Together we're going to fix this boy, and together we're going to save his life.


All Is Not Lost

He is a true champion, and he has fought through another night, emerging victorious this morning.

It was an eventful ride to the clinic this morning. He, unlike his first car ride with me to my house, seemed to really enjoy getting to 'go'.

I drive a Tahoe, and because of his seeping skin and bleeding wounds, I put him in the back. I also didn't know if he was contagious or not, and I have three other dogs who come to work with me every day. It was very important to keep everyone separated, as one of the other dogs is a 16 year old rescue who is already compromised.

It wasn't long before he got lonely back there and jumped clear over the back seat and into the seat with my three other dogs. He sat down by the window, and curled up. He was happy. He was 'one of them'.

That being said, my Tahoe spend 8 hours at a car detail place who tried their very best to clean the blood from seats, carpet, and everywhere it landed when he jumped over the seat.

Am I mad? No. I was happy to see him jump over...I was happy to see his personality coming out.

Here's today's video; there is nothing gruesome or graphic (other than the poor boy himself), but you will definitely need that box of Kleenex again.

He will remain hospitalized at the clinic in isolation until he is well enough to come back to my house and be a real dog. Both the doctor and receptionist (there are only three of us at the clinic) cried as they watched his videos. They each broke a little inside as he walked in the doors for the first time.

If you were unable to watch the video, I will repeat everything it says. He is almost to the point of no return; I have already received some grief for not euthanizing him today. Not from one person alone, but from a few.

I cannot and will not give up on him until he gives up on his own. He has a will to live, he has come this far...I will not deny him what he very well may end up to be.

He is getting stronger each and every day; and all of you who have donated, he is very, very grateful for you. Together, we will give him that chance he never would have had if I hadn't turned around after passing him the first time.

He has two different types of mange, which is rare. He has both Demodex and Sarcoptic (highly contagious) Mange. He is also full of Roundworms and Hookworms, which I'm sure are taking all of his nutrients and food. He has a horrible yeast infection in both ears, and is suffering from severely infected skin and wounds.

We believe something has attacked him at some point. His too largest wounds aren't self-inflicted. We clipped his nails, and hopefully that will help decrease the amount of damage he does to himself when he scratches.

I am also giving him hydrotherapy for his skin and wounds in hopes to promote healing and increase blood flow.

We've upped his pain medication dose, so he is receiving double from what he had been getting over the weekend. Seeing the difference the low dose made, I can't wait to go in and see the boy tomorrow.

I miss him already...


A Little Food & A Little Love

I check on him periodically, every hour or so. I don't want to disturb him too often, you know. I stepped out to check on him and he was gone. Not dead, like...missing. I start looking around the back yard for him and he's just trotting around. He wags his tail...comes up to me. It is truly amazing what a little love and a little food can do.

This video will bring tears to your eyes, but they are happy tears...just look at the boy.

Good morning, Beautiful

He's made it through the night; I am surprised...but very, very thankful.

My dogs avoid him like the plague; it's as though they know he's not right and something's seriously wrong with him. He wasn't excited to see them, but he also didn't growl or cower or anything. I think that's a good sign. He also may just be THAT sickly. It takes all his energy just to eat and sleep, you know?

I am concerned now with the possibility of Distemper. He has the eye goops, and has started trembling this morning. I am hoping he was just cold; I covered him back up with his blanket and filled his food and water. He didn't eat right away, but he did take notice to them being in front of him.

I noticed a lot of little blood droplets on around the porch. I'm not sure which wound it's coming from...I think his ear. He's too painful to move around, and the blood isn't an insane amount, so I'll leave him be for now.

Just looking at his eyes, I think he's thankful that I'm trying. He's got a full belly, a warm bed, and an endless supply of food...right now, I think that's all he wants.

Donations for his medical treatment may be made to Wags 2 Whiskers Veterinary Hospital or via PayPal. Please check the upper right hand side of this blog, just under the header image to see the different donation options.



I am not doing this blog because I want recognition or fame. I am not doing this blog because I want sympathy or your money. I am doing this blog because in as little as an hour, the abandoned dog had touched more lives than any other rescue/foster that I've ever taken on...

My name is Tiffany, and I'm a veterinary technician at Wags 2 Whiskers Veterinary Hospital in Montgomery, Texas. I also own my own photography business, Minha Vida Photography. I would like to welcome you to this blog, the story of this boy's fight for life begins here.

Some dogs end up with the wrong people...and sometimes, those very same dogs end up in the right place at the right time. It was against my genetic build up, my moral code, to continue driving down Calvary Road and not turn around once I'd passed him. If he doesn't pull through this, he will at least know that someone cared enough to turn around after all the other cars drove right by...

I absolutely could not leave him...absolutely not...even if he doesn't make it over the hump, he will at least know that someone tried...even if they didn't succeed. He'll know that not all people are as horrible as the one's who left him. Of course, I want him to pull through and find a happy family to live with until he's an old, old man...but, if it's not meant to be...then I want him to at least know that he won't die alone anymore. No puppy deserves that.

I first noticed his wounds and lack of hair. Then, when I turned around and came back for him...I noticed how deathly thin he was. I live a bit out in the country...there weren't any nearby houses...I'm quite sure he was dumped...maybe not, but how else is he going to find himself way the heck out here. 

He is severely starved, very weak, and sunken in. He's covered in fleas and mange. He also has severe wounds on his neck and front legs. They've been infected for quite some time now. His nails don't appear to have ever been clipped, and his rear dew claws are turning in on themselves and growing into his pads. His legs are so weak, and his paws are so swollen, he limps around when he can actually move. He's cries out when you pet him, and his skin bleeds and oozes. 

He breaks my heart; and I have cried for him already. At the very LEAST, if he's too far gone, we'll respectfully put him to sleep on Monday. No one should have to suffer what he obviously has. But, I feel like there's hope for him, and I'm willing to give him a go... I'm really pushing for him...in a few months, I want to be able to post pictures of him as a beautiful boy! I want him to be happy, playing, beautiful fur, and a little on the chubby side. Impossible is impossible for me. Unsinkable ships sink, don't they? 

...it's really, really sad. I go out to check on him every so often, and each time I open that door...he cowers. Was he abused? I don't know, but he sure as heck as reason to be afraid of humans. I will gain his trust; and I will make sure he knows that not all humans are terrible beings.

He absolutely looks defeated. He is unsure of me right now, but he definitely is wanting to give me a chance. I feel like he wants to get through this, I think he finally sees hope...I don't know if that makes any sense. He's curled up right now, sleeping with a fully belly, in a warm blanket...he looks so dadgum peaceful and at ease it makes me want to cry...  

If you're willing to watch this video, I warn you that it shows very graphic images of his condition, wounds, and absolutely heart breaking photos. Grab a box of Kleenex, you're going to need them.

Donations for his medical treatment may be made in the form of a check to Wags 2 Whiskers Veterinary Hospital. On the envelope, write 'The Abandoned Dog'. ALL donations will go to his medical care, no matter what. Receipts of your donations are available upon request.

Mail your donation to:

The Abandoned Dog
Wags 2 Whiskers Veterinary Hospital
17099 Walden Road Ste. 180
Montgomery, Texas 77356