
All Is Not Lost

He is a true champion, and he has fought through another night, emerging victorious this morning.

It was an eventful ride to the clinic this morning. He, unlike his first car ride with me to my house, seemed to really enjoy getting to 'go'.

I drive a Tahoe, and because of his seeping skin and bleeding wounds, I put him in the back. I also didn't know if he was contagious or not, and I have three other dogs who come to work with me every day. It was very important to keep everyone separated, as one of the other dogs is a 16 year old rescue who is already compromised.

It wasn't long before he got lonely back there and jumped clear over the back seat and into the seat with my three other dogs. He sat down by the window, and curled up. He was happy. He was 'one of them'.

That being said, my Tahoe spend 8 hours at a car detail place who tried their very best to clean the blood from seats, carpet, and everywhere it landed when he jumped over the seat.

Am I mad? No. I was happy to see him jump over...I was happy to see his personality coming out.

Here's today's video; there is nothing gruesome or graphic (other than the poor boy himself), but you will definitely need that box of Kleenex again.

He will remain hospitalized at the clinic in isolation until he is well enough to come back to my house and be a real dog. Both the doctor and receptionist (there are only three of us at the clinic) cried as they watched his videos. They each broke a little inside as he walked in the doors for the first time.

If you were unable to watch the video, I will repeat everything it says. He is almost to the point of no return; I have already received some grief for not euthanizing him today. Not from one person alone, but from a few.

I cannot and will not give up on him until he gives up on his own. He has a will to live, he has come this far...I will not deny him what he very well may end up to be.

He is getting stronger each and every day; and all of you who have donated, he is very, very grateful for you. Together, we will give him that chance he never would have had if I hadn't turned around after passing him the first time.

He has two different types of mange, which is rare. He has both Demodex and Sarcoptic (highly contagious) Mange. He is also full of Roundworms and Hookworms, which I'm sure are taking all of his nutrients and food. He has a horrible yeast infection in both ears, and is suffering from severely infected skin and wounds.

We believe something has attacked him at some point. His too largest wounds aren't self-inflicted. We clipped his nails, and hopefully that will help decrease the amount of damage he does to himself when he scratches.

I am also giving him hydrotherapy for his skin and wounds in hopes to promote healing and increase blood flow.

We've upped his pain medication dose, so he is receiving double from what he had been getting over the weekend. Seeing the difference the low dose made, I can't wait to go in and see the boy tomorrow.

I miss him already...


  1. I can't imagine anyone -as long as there might be hope- willing to just snuff his light out. I understand where they are coming from, but obviously he has some hope... so, give him that chance! And you are.

  2. I appreciate people like you who's willing to put forth the effort to show this poor little guy that NOT everybody in the world are cruel like the people who owned him before. He is worth it! He needs a second chance to be a happy dog. Thank you for all you are doing for him!

  3. Thank you for not listening to the "doubters". I'm a rescuer too, and it's very often the ones in the worst shape that end up shining like a diamond in the end and they seem very grateful for the chance to do so. Tad wasn't giving up, so why should you.
    Keep up the good work you're doing.
